A downloadable game for Windows

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“SCP-3008 is not just an ordinary Ikea. 

We mistakenly thought it was just an infinite replication of an Ikea, but it's not, it ... 

this thing is fooling us, it's pretending to be something, it's using our  █████ to achieve its goals, and that's why I'm recommending that SCP-3008 be reclassified as a keter.

There's a strong risk of a ZK-class scenario, based on the entity's latest explorations and the latest information collected.
It is now almost certain that SCP 3008 is  █████ and above all aware of us, our presence and our danger to its objectives.


My perfectly normal trip to a regular old Ikea is a third-person game (most of the time) in which you play D-4315 trying to escape from an ikea store or more commonly known as SCP-3008.

The game's story takes on a horror theme, as in addition to the infinite features of the store, there are also ''staff'' who will try to harm the characters, including the protagonist.

The game also features a variety of atypical characters and events, mixing the bizarre with the incomprehensible (e.g. talking cardboard box, moving wooden mannequin, etc.).

The game is close to the 'Point & Click' genre, in which gameplay revolves around interacting with various elements to understand the game's story and follow the plot.


This is just the first chapter of the complete game I'm imagining.
Depending on the feedback, I'll decide whether to continue the project or not.

Don't hesitate to send me as much feedback as you can, so that I know what you like and what you don't like.

I hope you laughed. 
Thank you for laughing with me.


  • WASD/ZQSD to move.
  • E/LMB to interact with an object.
  • TAB to open the Osborne Menu.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

v0.1.2.rar 801 MB
v0.1.2.zip 948 MB

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